New Beginnings

It just so happens it's a new year..a whole new 365 empty pages (plus one,make it count!) for yet another epic story. I must say 2011 was quite the tale, I could even get movie rights for it...a tragedy, drama, horror, comedy,all in one little girls past :) By the time the year ended and holidays came through I was spent,broken, obliterated.
But the name's Fenix.
aka Phoenix, the mythical creature that bursts into flames and is reborn. Not so mythical, I learnt, the phoenix was in me. But it took some work and the right tools to be reborn:
1. Paulo Coehlo, Aleph
This book absolutely changed my perception on everything condensed in the word "life" (as his books usually do though). A story of forgiveness, reincarnation and rebirth, teaching me that the only thing that mattered was the present.

2. Blackberry Curve
My new mobile journal. Lost my Blackberry Bold on New Years,I was so hurt :( Everything was on it, my thoughts, my lists, my memories, my music...but material things come and go I suppose.

3. Oprah Winfrey, What I know for sure
A convenient, quick breakdown of everything one's grandmother should have taught them about life: patience, trusting your gut, how to make the right decisions. Very comprehensive and she speaks the absolute truth..type A good advice :)

4. The Little Black Book
No boys' digits in it though. I'm a notebook fanatic, I always have one. Not exactly a journal (too lazy) but just a place to get rid of any feeling of being overwhelmed through a good ol' bullet point list :)

There we go :)! All strapped and ready to conquer...



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