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Memoirs of the Sire Bird

the push pull process progress. I had to die and be reborn to learn it doesn’t come in a straight line…and will require more future painful prosecutions and resurrections to reach the next little step out of a million. progress is a dotted, if not, invisible line.. often we fall into the cracks of doubt, and fall into insecurity, or obscurity; lack of faith orchestrates failure such that because you did not see progress, you thought it didn’t exist and you let it go. You thought you never had it yet it was a seed nestled in the fertile soil of your soul, and watered by tears of resilience it would have blossomed into a fragrant throne of accomplishment… i take several steps backwards all the time it seems. ambitious and anxious for a fast track forward my treadmill seems to be running in reverse. with scabbed knees from each fall and a muddy face, last thing i want is to attend a ball, of the glamorous and gifted, that surely aren’t me. that faltering thought alone and boom!...

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Memoirs of the Sire Bird

#Playlist_Flying High

Memoirs of the Sire Bird

Memoirs of the Sire Bird_TTBY

Memoirs of the Sire Bird: Falling leaves

Memoirs of the Sire Bird

#Playlist: Scream Phoenix_Cannibal Ox

Solange_Losing You

#Feature_The Romantic Movement