Comeback Chuck

When walking past the window displays in sports apparel stores nowadays, we always need to brace our nervous systems for the shock of stimulus about to be received- blinding bright neon sneakers dancing in the air, bold letters alerting you of the newest “footwear technology” advocated by your sports idol of choice with a larger than life grin.

Indeed the sneaker industry is ablaze with irresistibly exciting variations, styles, and functions of footwear such that the last thing the urban consumer would expect to see in Sportscene would be a pair of the ancient and unassuming Converse Chuck Taylors being rung up at the till. Yet, they are flying off the shelves and overwhelming the uneven pavements of our campus- the statement being to pay homage to one of the greatest classics.

Converse rubber soled shoes have been in production since the early 20th century. The revolutionary high top variant was first introduced in 1917 with the involvement of the basketball player named Charles H. “Chuck” Taylor from 1921- the man whose signature is immortalized on the All Star patch. However rich the history, one cannot deny the brand fell into oblivion in the digital age with the vicious modernity of the likes of 
Nike and Addidas.

Despite financial difficulties of the company itself, the Converse culture- that All-American preppy look- stood the test of time. But here in proud South Africa, the persevering relevance of Converse Chuck Taylors 
lies rather in their quality to withstand the toughest of our teenage years.

“I’ve had mine since grade 10… they’re comfortable and it’s so convenient that they’re back in fashion 
now!” comments Tayla, a BA media student.

What is the best way to wear them? General consensus is old and battered to celebrate their durability. Unfortunately, the comeback caught a lot of people unawares. The stark white pairs that are the ironic majority tell the reality of the regret of previously discarded or outgrown pairs and bad investments in funkier sneakers.

The dirtier they are the more personality. I actually feel bad that mine are brand new now even though I used to have a pair way back when,” admits BA law student Noxy.

Only now do we realize the monopoly on design that Converse Chuck Taylors have always had. Sneakers may be aerodynamic nowadays but still, there remains nothing remotely akin to the minimalism of high-top canvas in original white. It seems most UCT students express a pleasant consumer experience and memory of Converse to the effect that is not only a trend, but clearly a nostalgic lament of how simple and carefree life used to be. It seems that it isn’t so much so as jumping on to the bandwagon, but rather onto the bus 
back home.

(as written for UCT Varsity Newspaper)


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